Photovoltaic energy is an alternative to improve efficiency and save money for the industry. It is not only an excellent option to reduce energy costs, but also represents a great reduction in the environmental impact generated by its activity.

Industries are increasingly betting on the use of renewable energies to minimize their environmental footprint. Since the approval of RD 244/2019 that regulates self-consumption, the demand for the installation of photovoltaic panels has increased exponentially among companies.

What benefits does photovoltaics provide?

Clean and free energy

Spain is a country that stands out for its large number of sunny days a year. Therefore, we are faced with an abundant energy. In addition, photovoltaic energy, as it is fed from the ground, is free energy, which only requires a plate to generate it. The important thing is that it does not pollute, so the reduction of the impact generated by industrial activity is reduced in favor of the environment.

Very flexible energy that does not interrupt the production process

Solar installations are very flexible and adapt to the needs and spaces of each company, and can be combined with existing systems without interfering with normal energy production. In addition, production is not interrupted for installation and commissioning.

Noticeable decrease in CO₂

The use of solar energy contributes to reducing CO₂ emissions without emitting smoke or odours. In addition, it allows improving the energy qualification of the building.

Savings on the bill

Installing solar panels entails a great reduction in the energy bill. It is estimated that it represents a saving of 40% on the electricity bill, a percentage that increases over the years.

Can Morera, sustainable community

The D-hub Òdena’s project will be built with state-of-the-art technologies, using recycled materials throughout the process and certified green production. The Campus will be powered by renewable energies together with other technologies to guarantee comprehensive self-consumption as an independent energy community. To do this, it is committed to solar energy and green hydrogen. This project will be a pioneer in being the first of this magnitude to be carbon-neutral.